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Bentley J., Christian D. Encyclopedia of World History - 7 Volume Set
Publisher: Berkshire Publishing Group.
Publication date: 2005.
ISBN: 0974309109.
Number of pages: 2220.
Format / Quality: PDF.
Language: English.
Grade 10 Up–Although the 538 articles in this set are arranged alphabetically, the approach is thematic, with entries and sidebars "showing connections and interactions, through trade, warfare, migration, religion, and diplomacy over time and place. " Volume one opens with an overview of human history that serves as a guide to the Encyclopedia, and alphabetic and thematic lists of the entries appear in each book. Much prehistory is treated in this work, which bills itself as covering "250,000 years of human existence. " However, readers may wonder why some subjects were included, or even given their own entry, and others weren't. For example, there is no entry for the Peloponnesian Wars, but the extensive index will lead students to information under entries for "Greece, Ancient, " "International Organizations, " "Oral History, " "Thucydides, " "Warfare, Naval, " and "Engines of History. " This last is an example of the somewhat obscure and/or unusual headings that sometimes appear. An up-to-date bibliography follows every article. The black-and-white photos are of uneven quality; many lack sufficient contrast. The maps included are insufficient to clarify the discussions of empires, countries, wars, and movements of peoples. This set would be useful as a supplement to general encyclopedias. –David Pauli, Hillsboro Public Library.
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