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Homs J. Australia and Britain: Studies in a Changing Relationship
Routledge, 1980. - 187 p.
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0714631493
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780714631493

This book was conceived with a view to commemorating Trevor Reese, whose
life was an expression of the relationship between Australia and Britain, and it
has been prepared in the belief that others will find value in studies of this
relationship. We have to thank all the authors who so readily agreed to contribute
to the volume and we are also grateful to Dr Robert Holland and Miss Yvonne
Crawford for their assistance in the preparation of material for publication.
We are particularly grateful to the late Sir Kenneth Wheare for his nostalgic
Foreword—the last piece of writing, apart from the odd review, that he did. On
one of Dr Madden’s fairly regular visits to him Professor Wheare was told of the
project of this book and showed interest, while being unwilling to commit
himself to a contribution. When, however, he read some of the articles he did
very diffidently offer to write an autobiographical piece to illustrate the changes
he, an Australian who spent most of his life in Great Britain, had seen in his
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