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From Viking to Crusader The Scandinavians and Europe 800-1200
Сборник статей, посвященных различным аспектам истории и культуры средневековой Скандинавии. Издание приурочено к выставке, организованной Северным советом, содержит фотографии и описание экспонатов. Язык: английский. Формат: распознанный PDF. Качество: среднее, некоторые страницы, к сожалению, нечитабельны(. Примерное содержание: Scandinavia and Europe. The Scandinavian kingdoms. Else Roesdahl. Ships and travel. Ole Crumlin-Pedersen, Mogens Schou Jorgensen,Torsten Edgren. New lands in the North Atlantic.Thor Magnusson, Simun V. Arge, Jette Arneborg. Fialand. Pirkko-Liisa Lehtosalo- Hilander. The Saamis in Scandinavia. Inger Zachrisson. The way to die East. Ingmar Jansson, with a contribution by Evgenij N. Nosov. The West Slav lands and the North. Joachim Herrmann. The Scandinavians and the Western European continent. Lucien Musset. The Scandinavians in Britain and Ireland. David M. Wilson, with a contribution by Richard Hall. Scandinavian names and words in Europe. Gittian Fellows-Jensen. Pilgrimages and crusades. Niek-Kniid Liebgoct. Scandinavia and Europe around. 1200. Knur Helle. Culture and society. People and language. Berit Jansen Sellevold, Jan Ragnar Hagland. Scandinavian society. Ole Fenger. Resources and settlements. Peter Sawyer. House and home. Anders Odman. Scandinavian paganism. Gro Steinsland. Christianity and churches. Olaf Olsen. Runes and rune-stones.Raymond Page. From oral poetry to literature. Preben Meulengracht Sorensen. Scaldic poetry. Jonas Kristjansson. Art. Signe Horn Fuglesang. Artifacts and manuscripts. Burial customs in Scandinavia during the Viking. Age. Anne-Sofie Graslund, Michael Miiller-Wille. Christian graves and funerary monuments. Goran Tegner. Thor's hammers, pendant crosses and other amulets. Anne-Sofie Graslund. Dress. SigridH.H. Kaland. Weapons and their use. Pirkko-Liisa Lehtosalo-Hilander. Iron. Gert Magnusson. Mass production in the Viking Age. Signe Horn Fuglesang. Gold- and silver-smithing zoo. Wladyslaw Duczko. Bone, antler, amber and walrus ivory. Niels-Knud Liebgott. Walrus ivory in Western Europe.Danielle Gaborit-Chopin. Wood-carving. Erla B. Hohler. Twelfth-century wooden sculpture. Goran Tegner. Stone sculpture. Jan Svanberg. Church treasures and wall decoration. Ebbe Nyborg. Manuscripts and Latin literary culture. Erik Petersen. Icelandic manuscripts. Jonas Kristjansson. Scandinavian coins. Lars O. Lagerqvist. Catalogue of exhibition.