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Rankin David. Celts and the Classical World
Кельты и классический мир. 1987 (первая публикация), 1996. Издательство "Рутледж". Язык: английский. 337 стр. Кельты и их культура (религия, воины, гендерные отношения) глазами древнеримских и древнегреческих авторов. Содержание: - Origins, Languages and Associations - Massilia, an Early Contact - Notices in Some Fourth Century BC Authors - Anthropology and Heroics - The Second Finest Hour of Hellas - Tumult, Prejudice and Assimilation: Rome and the Gauls - Cisalpine Literary Talent - Celts and Iberians - The Galatians - The Celts in Greco-Roman Art - Britain, a Source of Disquiet - Ausonius and the Civilisation of Later Roman Gaul - Celtic Women in the Classical World - Religion and the Druids - Concluding Speculations - Appendix: The Romans and Ireland - Abbreviations - Bibliography - Index