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Lloyd A.B. (Editor). A Companion to Ancient Egypt
Vol. 1-2, A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Publication - Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2010, - 1378 pages. The current Companion to Ancient Egypt is designed to fit into Blackwell’s highly successful Companion series, several volumes of which have already appeared. However, since the time-scale of Egyptian civilization is so long, it has been decided that it would be appropriate for this publication to appear in two volumes rather than the standard one so that full scope can be given for the discussion of a civilization whose development lasted well over three and a half millennia and was certainly one of the most successful that the world has ever seen. The purpose of the Companion is to provide up-to-date, readable, and, where apposite, well-illustrated accounts of the major aspects of Egypt’s ancient history and culture as currently perceived. Since chapters are relatively long, it does not duplicate such compendia as the Oxford Encyclopedia but is intended to function as the next port-of-call. The coverage is also much broader than that of survey volumes like the Oxford History of Ancient Egypt. The target readership is academics, students, and the sophisticated amateur. For all these constituencies the chapters will provide as full a coverage ofmajor topics as can be accommodated in the space permitted, but the level at which the chapters have been pitched is such that even professionalEgyptologistswill be able to find many chapters of value in areas where they do not have a major expertise. Contents: The Land of Egypt Historical Narratives State and Economic Structures The Social Order Language and Literature The Visual Arts The Reception of Egyptian Culture