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Jones Brian W. The Emperor Domitian
Routledge, 1992, 305 pages

Domitian, Emperor of Rome AD 81-96, has traditionally been portrayed as a bloodthirsty tyrant, responsible for bringing a "reign of terror" to the throne. Yet The Emperor Domitian challenges these beliefs, showing him to be an able, meticulous administrator, a reformer of the economy, and an architectural genius, who, with his massive building program, insured that that Rome would be be the capitol of the world in appearance as well as fact. Dr. Jones' biography of the emperor is the first ever in English and the first in any language for nearly a century. Jones proves that Domitian's achievements were far more substantial than originally believed, thus reversing the traditional view of Domitian as a feckless leader. Jones also stresses how Domitian's reputation and breadth of power benefited from his relationship to the court, his relationship to the court, a ruling body whose influence outstripped even that of the senate. This biography also challenges many of the assumptions concerning Domitian's connection with the persecution of the early Christians. Domitian remains one of Rome's most important and intriguing rulers. Historians of the period will do well to read this biography, which is, in part, a critical rehabilitation of Domitian's reputation.
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