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DeVries K., Rogers C.J. (eds) Journal of Medieval Military History: Volume III
Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2005. - 190 р.
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1843831716
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781843831716

Product Description:

Volume III of De Re Militari's annual journal once again ranges broadly in its chronological and geographic scope, from John France's article on the evidence which early medieval Saints' Lives provide concerning warfare to Sergio Mantovani's examination of the letters of an Italian captain at the very end of the middle ages, and from Spain (Nicolas Agrait's study of early-fourteenth-century Castilian military structures) to the eastern Danube (Carroll Gillmor's surprising explanation for one of Charlemagne's greatest setbacks). Thematic approaches range from 'traditional', though revisionist in content, campaign analyses (of Sir Thomas Dagworth, by Clifford J. Rogers, and of Matilda of Tuscany, by Valerie Eads), to tightly focused studies of a single document (Kelly DeVries on militia logistics in the fifteenth century), to controversial, must-read assessments of the broadest topics in medieval military history (Stephen Morillo and Richard Abels on change vs. continuity from Roman times; J. F. Verbruggen on the importance of cavalry.)

Abels R. Morillo S. A Lying Legacy? A Preliminary Discussion of Images ofAntiquity and Altered Reality in Medieval Military History.
France J. War and Sanctity: Saints’ Lives as Sources for Early Medieval Warfare
Gillmor C. The 791 Equine Epidemic and its Impact on Charlemagne’s
Verbruggen J.F. The Role of the Cavalry in Medieval Warfare
Eads V. Sichelgaita of Salerno: Amazon or Trophy Wife?
Agrait N. Castilian Military Reform under the Reign of Alfonso XI (1312-50)
Rogers C. Sir Thomas Dagworth in Brittany, 1346–7: Restellou and La Roche Derrien
Mantovani S . Ferrante d’Este’s Letters as a Source for Military History 155
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