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Wagner J.A. Encyclopedia of the Wars of the Roses
Santa-Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2001. - 240 p.

From Booklist:
Alphabetically arranged and targeted for students and other nonspecialists, this 281-entry encyclopedia comprises primarily terms, places, individuals (130 of the entries are biographical), and events pertaining to the Wars of the Roses, with entries as varied as Artillery; Hungerford, Sir Thomas; London; and St. Albans, Battle of. The scope is quite impressive, covering not only the conflicts in question but also areas and issues beyond, including Brittany, Ireland, and Hundred Years War. Entries average 500 words in length and are noteworthy for their clarity and accessibility, the latter improved by Wagner's skill in contextualizing content. Strengthened by cross-references and followed by lists of recommended titles for further reading, entries are thorough and well balanced. One entry heading is conspicuously absent-Rose, which readers may wish to consult to learn more about the emblems of the contending Lancaster and York families. Although this information is provided in several entries, including Badges and Wars of the Roses, Naming of, its location may not be readily apparent to readers who do not turn to the index for help.

This minor criticism aside, the encyclopedia has much to recommend it, including a detailed chronology, fine illustrations, a map of important battle sites, genealogical charts, an extensive bibliography, selected Web sites, and special features, such as the table of dynastic affiliations, which allows readers to look up noblemen and instantly see the house to which they owed allegiance. With such value-added features, fine content, and high usability, this reference book would be a welcome addition to academic and large public libraries. RBB
American Library Association

Product Description

During the second half of the fifteenth century, a complex and violent struggle for the English throne erupted between the supporters of the House of York and supporters of the House of Lancaster.

The rise and fall of these dynasties, and the mystery of the fate of the Princes in the Tower, have made the Wars of the Roses the subject of countless novels, plays, poems, and films.

This illustrated, authoritative A-to-Z encyclopedia is written in a clear and understandable style by an acknowledged expert in the field. It provides accurate and readable descriptions of the major battles and events and the principal historical figures and issues involved in the Wars of the Roses.
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